Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Well I must be doing something right.

Well, my initial consult with the surgical team was last Thursday so it has barely been a week since they told me to start following the diet plan laid out. And even then it hasn't been as they would like since we are between paychecks and haven't been able to get the proper diet foods for me to follow the plan like they want. I have however been very careful to watch:
--the amount of food I have been eating,
--keeping a food log,
--I have tried keeping to the scheduled meal times,
--increased my water and vegetable intake and
--tried to not wolf down the meals but stretch them out to about 30 minutes to finish.

And guess what???? I've lost 5 lb.

Mike gets paid on Friday so I will be checking out sites for bariatric recipes and trying to put a meal plan together that I can follow that still won't break the bank and will not throw the house into a tizzy, even if it means cooking one meal for the family and something different for me but I really hope I can figure this out so that it will work for us all with some minor adjustments.

A couple of purchases I will need to make is a proper food scale, a blender and the protein/whey drink they want me to have ( I should be substituting the shake for one meal /day or at a minimum 2 /week).

But so far I have to say I have felt satisfied, and except for the times when I would have just grabbed for something to eat when bored I am able to get through the day with little grazing.

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